There’s a New Way to Listen to Radio Monterey
There are multiple ways to listen to Radio Monterey, and I’m excited to add another option.
As those of you who access this web site know you can listen to Radio Monterey programming by selecting the “Listen Now” radio tower graphic in the upper index bar of the Home Page of Radio Monterey.
You may also go to and search for ‘Radio Monterey’. When the results come back look in the section labeled “Stations”. Radio Monterey is the first selection, without a picture that has Progressive Talk listed under the name Radio Monterey. Select that link and you can listen to Radio Monterey.
You can also download the App to your iPad or iPhone for TuneIn, search Radio Monterey from the App and save it to your iPad or iPhone.
Now there is another way that doesn’t require a computer, iPad or iPhone. But it does require a phone. Just dial 518-600-7018 from any phone and you can listen to the current show on Radio Monterey. So if you are traveling, or not near a computer during your favorite Radio Monterey show you only have to call 518-600-7018 to listen to your favorite show from any phone.
I will continue to explore options to make access to Radio Monterey easier. Don’t forget to check our schedule to see how the programming has shifted to bring you more shows to help you shift your life.
Thank you for listening. Namaste.