New Shows – New Schedule – New Life
Since the beginning of July Progressive Voices has been broadcasting Nicole Sandler and Randi Rhodes.
For the last two weeks I’ve adapted the capture of their shows and we are ready to rock and roll with the addition of Nicole Sandler at 2 PM [PST], Monday through Friday’ and Randi Rhodes from 3-5 PM [PST], Monday through Friday.
In addition, the programming shift from Progressive Voices shifted the broadcast of David Pakman, another informed straight shooter. David will play on Radio Monterey at 11 PM [PST], Monday through Friday.
The lineup has gained so much power in the last month with the addition of Outer Limits Radio, the BradCast, now Nicole and Randi, plus regaining David Pakman.
I hope you enjoy our programming lineup, and remember we are always looking for fresh talent with a point of view and something to say to be part of our original programming lineup.