Happy Anniversary to Solarzar

It was eight years ago that Kyralani and I started Good Vibrations Radio(r). It was one year ago as we prepared to move Good Vibrations Radio(r) to another network that Hal Ginsberg and I made a deal for the sale of Radio Monterey.

After nine years of operating KRXA 540 Hal had definite ideas about how to run a radio station. Also, he had definite ideas about what required attention. On my side I had experience with data and computer systems, internet marketing, and specific training on the internet radio. I saw Radio Monterey as a viable community tool providing a forum for progressive and alternative media talk.

With the support of master engineer, Carl Willeford, Hal and I forged an alliance to keep Radio Monterey alive and broadcasting. There were problems with the audio stream; sound cards were replaced and upgraded; computer hard drives were cleaned; computers were replaced; audio equipment was replaced; excessive cabling was removed; internet cables were upgraded and replaced; the streaming bandwidth was upgraded; the web site was upgraded; while some radio hosts remained, new hosts were sought; a formal training program was created for the hosts and producers;  studio and office chairs were replaced; air vents replaced; furniture refinished; carpets cleaned; dusting; vacuuming; and general office upgrade.

At the same time I was learning the programming; maintaining the program logs; producing the podcasts; troubleshooting the problems as they occurred; marketing for new hosts; working with current hosts (in some cases just plain upsetting them).

A year ago I felt driven to make Radio Monterey work before I ran out of money. Monthly I paid the expenses, took in some revenue, but never close enough to cover expenses, I barely took in enough to pay the rent never mind the utilities, web hosting, telephones, streaming service, and technical support.

This year I’m grateful to be here. We’ve made Radio Monterey viable. Will it make it, it’s still too soon to know, but we know it can make it. It is up to each of the listeners, and to the wonderful hosts we’ve brought in. If Radio Monterey is part of what you use to stay informed then support our station and support our hosts. It isn’t enough to do for ourselves, it is only enough if what we do helps you. Thank you for reading, thank you for listening.

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